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Create Pull Down Menu

At the time of your blog page already contains a lot of articles or any posts, the title should be in the title in a special room so that visitors can read your blog content with ease. Thus you have been easier for guests who come each.
In many ways this is always used by bloggers to describe the contents of the blog page. Among them are using the archive that is provided blogger.com, and the result of a posting can choose based on that month, and other years. But according to me there is sparing some bloggers are not satisfied with the archive, and perhaps because it only shows the number of articles based on date, month and year pemostingan. So the browser can not read the title you are pasting directly from the menu.
Way out like it or not, you will be forced to make a pull down menu so that all can read the post title. Now for those of you who are still dead-set to use the pull down menu, there are some unique menu that will decorate your blog page, as you see in the example below.

How to install a pull down menu :
  1. Copy one of the java code from the menu that you like and then paste into notepad.
  2. Write a title that the title will be displayed
  3. And do not forget to fill the link location of each title that you write.
  4. Last copy and move the code into your blog. How is such that you do when the fields fill the sidebar with the code html / javascrip.

Pull down menu 1

Buka halaman baru

Pull down menu 2

Code pull down menu 1

<form name="mycombowopt"'>‎
<select name="example" size=1'>‎
‎ <option value=" Link disini "'> Judul disini </option'>‎
‎ <option value=" Link disini "'> Judul disini </option'>‎
‎ <option value=" Link disini "'> Judul disini </option'>‎
‎ </select'> ‎‏ ‏<input type="button" value="Go!" ‎onClick="gothere()"'><br'>‎
‎ <input type="checkbox" name="windowoption" value="ON"'>Open in ‎alternate window</p'>‎

<script language="javascript"'>‎
function gothere(){‎
var thebox=document.mycombowopt
if (thebox.windowoption.checked){‎
if (!window.newwindow)‎

Code pull down menu 2

< form‏ ‏‎'>‎
< select onchange="window.open(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value,'_blank')" ‎style="width: 100%;" name="menu" size="1"‎‏ ‏‎'>‎‏ ‏< option/‎‏ ‏‎'> ‎
< option value=" Link disini "‎‏ ‏‎'> Judul disini
< option value=" Link disini "‎‏ ‏‎'> Judul disini
< option value=" Link disini "‎‏ ‏‎'> Judul disini
< option value=" Link disini "‎‏ ‏‎'> Judul disini
< option value=" Link disini "‎‏ ‏‎'> Judul disini
< option value=" Link disini "‎‏ ‏‎'> Judul disini
< option value=" Link disini "‎‏ ‏‎'> Judul disini
< option value=" Link disini "‎‏ ‏‎'> Judul disini
< option value=" Link disini "‎‏ ‏‎'> Judul disini < /select‏ ‏‎'>‎‏ ‏< /form‏ ‏‎'>‎


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